I wrote this tune back in 1995 and named it for one of Oban’s characters, the late Mike Campbell. I first met Mike when I was still in school as he worked as a clam diver with the father of one of my friends. Later, when I was old enough to drink in the pubs, he would regularly be found in The Oban Inn, telling stories and sinking a fair few drams. He loved the music and always had a request for a tune or two from me.

I use the excellent, open-source software MuseScore for final score engraving. You can upload your tunes to musescore.com and then embed the score in your own site.
Mike Campbell’s Reel by S P McNally by bagpieBelow is the tune in ABC Notation. ABC is a great way to share simple, single staff notation and is popular amongst traditional musicians. You can learn about ABC notation here and I recommend EasyABC to convert the tunes into standard notation, for editing and playback.
T:Mike Campbell’s Reel
C:© 1995 S P McNally
N:For Mike Campbell of Oban
|: (3FEF BF dfed |(3cBc (3ABc EBAG |(3FEF BF dfed |1 c2 (3ABc dBB2 :|2 c2 (3ABc dBBc ||
d2fd afed | (3cBc (3ABc eABc | d2fd afed | (3cBc (3ABc dBBc |
d2fd afed |(3cBc (3ABc EBAG | (3FEF BF dfed | c2 (3ABc dBB2 ||
|: (3B^AB FF dFBF | (3B^AB GG dGBG | (3cBc (3AAA EA (3fed |1 (3cBc (3ABc dBB2 :|2 (3cBc (3ABc dBBc ||
d2Ad fdFd | (3ddd Bd gdGd | (3ddd cd Adcd | (3cBc (3ABc dBBc |
d2Ad FdDd | (3ddd Bd GdDd | (3cBc (3ABA EA (3fed | (3cBc (3ABc dBB2 ||
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