Tune Sets

It’s common in the Scottish traditional music scene to arrange tunes into medleys or sets. I don’t know how long this has been going but it goes back at least one hundred years as some of the earliest recordings of our musicians include tune sets. Arguably the variation in modes, keys and time signatures can add interest and excitement to a music that may seem repetitive to those unfamiliar with it. Personally, arranging sets helps me remember tunes and, especially in a session situation, stops me having to worry about what to play next while my brain is busy playing the current tune.

Click the links below to view the tune sets by category.

Reels – 2/4 Reels – 4/4 Reels – Jigs – 9/8 Jigs – 6/4 Jigs – 3/2 Tunes – 2/4 Marches – 4/4 Marches – 6/8 Marches – 3/4 Marches – Hornpipes – Airs – Miscellaneous

Below are the most recent tune sets added to the site.